Corosync service is responsible for
Cluster management while pacemaker is responsible for resource on top
of the clustering service. The dependency of startup sequence will
be 1) corosync and then 2) pacemaker. The shutdown sequence will be
1) pacemaker and then 2) corosync
- Check service status
~]# /etc/init.d/corosync status
corosync (pid
23118) is running...
~]# /etc/init.d/pacemaker status
pacemakerd (pid
8714) is running...
- Stop pacemaker and corosync
If the subject node is in active state,
resources will be failed over to standby node. Alternatively if it is
standby node, no changes will be made on active node.
~]# /etc/init.d/pacemaker stop
Signaling Pacemaker
Cluster Manager to terminate: [ OK ]
Waiting for cluster
services to unload:....... [ OK ]
~]# /etc/init.d/corosync stop
Signaling Corosync
Cluster Engine (corosync) to terminate: [ OK ]
Waiting for corosync
services to unload:. [ OK ]
- Start corosync and pacemaker
If there isn’t any node running in
the cluster, the first up shown up in the cluster will be the active
node. If there is one active node in the cluster, the 2nd
node will automatically become the standby
~]# /etc/init.d/corosync start
Starting Corosync
Cluster Engine (corosync): [ OK ]
~]# /etc/init.d/pacemaker start
Starting Pacemaker
Cluster Manager: [ OK ]