Was testing on AWS storage gateway services in my ESXi host. So what is AWS storage gateway? Basically it is a AWS service to host behind your on-premise firewall. An AWS customized VM living on ESXi will be put on-premise and allow remote storage management from AWS console. The VM on ESXi will present storage via iscsi which allow remote read-write access..
I was following this documents but unfortunately I jump into the condition while I was trying to activate my storage gateway VM. It looks like activation require access on port 80 but unfortunately I see nothing on port 80. Running nmap against the VM but I see nothing coming up.
root@localhost:~$ nmap -sT
Starting Nmap 5.00 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2012-03-29 16:13 HKT
Interesting ports on
Not shown: 996 filtered ports
22/tcp closed ssh
80/tcp closed http
631/tcp closed ipp
3260/tcp closed iscsi
I tried to get into the storage VM as root (prior to the that, I booted the VM to single user mode and reset the password, for details see here) and found that no services are running on those ports.
With further checking, it seems that it have to do with the time service on the VM. The storage VM will need an very accurate time or otherwise it will not be coming up. As per the suggestion from setup guide, I enabled ntp service on ESXi and then enable the "Synchronize guest time with host" option on VM followed by VM restart. I hope it would work but somehow it doesnt, looks like time didnt catch up still.
Turn out I manually setup the time by logging into the storage gateway VM and set it up. After that I proceed with VM restart and then port 80 is coming up. Now I could activate the VM gateway.
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